Aide - Your AI Programming Assistant

A proactive agent

  • Aide proactively proposes fixes or asks to include files that may be missing in the context
  • iterating on linter errors and pulling in relevant context using LSP tools, like “Go to references”.
  • slim, VS Code-native checkpoints (not git) to easily roll back to previous states, in case the agent made any mistake.
  • Brainstorm, then edit. Or the other way around.
  • pair-program : Chat about a problem by @’ting the file(s) and then jump into edits, or go from a smaller set of edits and discuss their side-effects.
  • binary called sidecar which takes care of preparing and sending prompts to LLMs, as well as giving them access to editor features.
  • Enforced and exposed deep reasoning behind complex changes. Break down large tasks into smaller units of work that follow a logical flow.
  • The editor listens to all events and changes made by both the developer and AI to keep a continuous context.